Technical Events

Organised by Temporary Works Forum

Lighthouse Club Contractors Dinner

Lighthouse Club Contractors Dinner

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Behavioural Safety in Temporary Works Management

Psychology of Safety – Doing safety differently

Many companies have made continual progress towards improving safety. Over a number of years these efforts tend to produce dramatic reductions in accident rates. However, many organizations have reached a plateau (a human tendency) and are looking to move from good to great. Companies have robust training and effective safety processes, yet people are still getting hurt.Dr Li will discuss a parallel approach using psychology and data to build a safety predictive tool, with examples of how we have brought our unique perspective to construction sites.

Safety processes, procedures and people: the role of digital technologies

Mr Small will explore how technology and digitalisation is applied to engage front-line workers with innovative and engaging forms of communication so as to eliminate the need for classrooms and thus increase effectiveness and efficiency.

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Temporary Works Roadmap and the Clients’ Expectations, Hong Kong

The industry in Hong Kong has over the years suffered many serious failures of temporary works, from scaffold falsework collapses to workers falling through openings in platforms. Many of the failures have resulted in death and disabilities, and significant disruption and have also lead to tendering suspensions. These costs are ffunacceptable and almost always avoidable. The cause of TW failures are many but key factors include:-

  1. Lack of codes of practice to establish minimum or best practices

  2. Poor or no consideration for access and edge protection in the design

  3. Knowledge gaps and misleading information in the supply chain

  4. Lack of a comprehensive brief for the designers

  5. Gaps in the review and approval processes

  6. Uncontrolled modification of structures

At the seminar the TWf was introduced, the individual working groups presented their work so far and highlighted priorities for the future.

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Human Factors in Engineeering Safety

Human Factors in Engineering Safety

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